Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Net Neutrality Update

Here's an interesting update to the post of September 21 dealing with the FCC's desire to enact rules regarding net neutrality. It appears that the GOP is lining up for a fight, arguing that neutralitiy requirements for ISPs/Telecoms will reduce competition, reduce investment in new technology, and be detrimental to consumers. Already, we have seen a rider thrown into a Department of the Interior appropriations bill that would have prohibited any funds going to promulgating rules requiring neutrality. Additionally, House Republicans sent a letter to President Obama expressing their disappointment that the FCC would be looking at neutrality rules given the current economic quagmire.

I think they have a valid point. Afterall, it was excessive regulation of the finance world that created this quagmire. Wait...that's not actually true. In any case, rest assured that this is not the last we'll hear of Republicans on this issue as the FCC continues in the rulemaking process.

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